$10, 000 and up
10 tickets to each of the in season live theatrical shows ($1,200 value)
Individualized ‘Producer’ level plaque for your home or office
8 tickets to our in season Wally Awards Gala ($400 value)
Ad space in 6 OBSP production programs
Name in Levoy Program (250+ performances a year)
Online Advertisement on OBSP’s homepage
$5,000 - $9,999
6 tickets to each of the current season’s live theatrical shows ($750 value)
Individualized ‘Director’ level plaque for your home or office
6 tickets to our current season’s Wally Awards Gala ($300 value)
Ad in OBSP production programs (4 productions)
Name in Levoy Program (250+ performances a year)
Listing on OBSP’s website, with link to your business (6 months)
Online advertisement on OBSP’s homepage (6 months)
2 tickets to each of the current season’s live theatrical shows ($250 value)
Individualize ‘Manager’ plaque for your home or office
2 tickets to our current season’s Wally Awards Gala ($100 value)
Ad in OBSP production prgrams (2 productions)
Listing on OBSP’s website, with link to your business (4 months)
Online Advertisment on OBSP’s homepage (4 months)
$500 - $999
Name in OBSP production program (6 Productions)
Listing on OBSP’s website, with link to your business (6 weeks)
$100 - $499
Name in OBSP production program (4 productions)
$25 - $99
Name in OBSP production program (1 production)